A quarter of an hour from La Joncheraie, the city of Auxerre is really worth visiting. Take your time!
With the Saint-Germain Abbey, the Saint-Etienne Cathedral, the Clock Tower… you’ll discover a rich historical heritage from the Middle-Age and the Renaissance.
Medieval town houses are lined up along winding alleys around the historical center of the city.
We enjoy wandering in “marine district”, where bargemen used to work.
As soon as in the early fourteenth century, the Chablis wine was carried along the river Yonne from Auxerre to Paris.
The boats were built with the woods from the Morvan area and, when in Paris, destroyed to be used as timber and heating wood. This district was really very busy.
We suggest parking your car on the “Quai de l’Yonne” near the “Office de tourisme”, located 1 quai de la République. Ask for the brochure « In the step of Cadet Roussel”.
It’s a pedestrian walk showing the main places of interest. You will start Place Saint-Nicolas, patron saint of bargemen.
We use this interesting guide-book when we take our friends for a visit to Auxerre.